Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Final PLN

This PLN journey has been eye opening and interesting experience. I tried many new ways to network and ultimately found that google docs, google reader and delicious would be the aspects that I would continue to use. I use the google package often and it makes it easy to be a one stop shop in terms of time and ease of use. Since I work with teachers that are spread all over the county, it would be a great way for the teachers to share their resources with each other. I decided that twitter and blogging would be hard for me due to the confidentiality and open access these tools have. I think that the one thing I will take away from this experience is to try to incorporate new tools in my repertoire so that I can continue to grow as a leader.

Monday, November 15, 2010



I just finished creating my first screencast with Jing.  I think my first experience was ok but I was nervous about recording the audio. I think the more I use screencasts and jing the more confident I will feel about presenting through recording my audio.  I think I will use jing in the future with some of my trainings with teachers ie training a teacher on how to move ABA targets on data sheets.


Jessica Coleman

Professional learning on-line

My mom (former principal) has previosly been involved with bringing Sue Pearson from The Center for  effective learning into Cobb County to train her staff as well as others with model teaching.I have not been able to attend the training which has been in the summer. A colleague and friend was able to atend last summer and raved about it. When the opportuntiy came through class to attend a webinar, I decided to learn more about Highly Effective Teaching.

The name of the session was Assessment: Formative and Summative through The Center For Effective Learning The webinar was on September 23rd at 6:30pm. Participants signed up prior to the webinar and a reminder e-mail was sent. The webinar was held in Gotowebinar.com
I have not had any prior webinar experience but I have had on-line classes through Wimba that prepared me with the norms and expectations of a webinar.  This webinar looked at assessment. The presenter broke assessment down into traditional and alternative assessment, the reasons for assessment, and some assessment tools. I felt as engaged as you can be in an on-line setting where you are missing that non-verbal communication from the presenter. I feel that I would use webinars for topics that I already have a foundation in so that I am just deepening my understanding of it and not trying to wrap my head around a new concept.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

PLN Journey-Class 6 thoughts- KSU-EDL 7510 KSU-ITC

My experience in my PLN so far has been mixed. I feel that I am using more of the google tools and podcasts than anything.  I am having a hard time using twitter or blogging because of the nature of what I do. I am not able to blog or tweet regarding current things I am practicing within my job as an autism trainer. I work with many teachers, students and families and have confidentiality regarding things I do everyday with them. I have been using google groups to share resources and instructional practices with the teachers I work with, which is more practical for me because you have to be a member of the group to access it. I am also using podcasts to learn more about my field. I am also creating podcasts and using it for training tools.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


You’ve been using Twitter for a few weeks now.
A) To what extent is Twitter extending your Personal Learning Network. If so, how? If not, what might you need to change in order for it to be more useful as a part of your PLN?

Right now, Twitter has not  extended my personal learning network. I am having a hard time keeping up with all the technology options for the class. I could try to dedicate one day a week to each to work on extending the PLN.

B) Think about using Twitter as a teacher/educational leader. Others see some possibilities (review readings from Class 2 if needed). How might you use it as a teacher? How might you use it as an educational leader? What do you think is realistic for you? Is there something you would like to try?

As a teacher,  I could use Twitter to update parents on happenings in the classroom. As an educational leader, I could use Twitter to update the community and staff as to the happenings of the school.  That may not realistic for me now due to me being in several classrooms and special education confidentiality.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I have not had much experience with podcasts. I have experienced using podcasts more with my son for enjoyment than using them for professional learning. I have not created any podcasts yet. This class is giving me opportunities to use the podcasts more for professional learning. I have heard a couple of good podcasts so far, one is the autism toolkit. This podcast is broken up into segments one for each "tool". It is also about 15 minutes, which made the podcast specific but not too long. I want to remember time and inflection in my voice to keep listeners engaged when creating my podcast.

Monday, September 6, 2010

PLN Journey- class two thoughts

What do I expect from my PLN journey this semester?
  I expect to learn more about myself this semeser in regards to who I network with and specifically what I use my network for.

How might it compare with and influence what I do aready?
 I think it will make me more aware of my network and how I use it. I could also deepen my networks.

What concerns me?
What excites me?
This journey will give me time to stop and think more about my networks.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First class

This is my first class and we are practicing posting for our blog! Greetings all!