Tuesday, October 19, 2010


You’ve been using Twitter for a few weeks now.
A) To what extent is Twitter extending your Personal Learning Network. If so, how? If not, what might you need to change in order for it to be more useful as a part of your PLN?

Right now, Twitter has not  extended my personal learning network. I am having a hard time keeping up with all the technology options for the class. I could try to dedicate one day a week to each to work on extending the PLN.

B) Think about using Twitter as a teacher/educational leader. Others see some possibilities (review readings from Class 2 if needed). How might you use it as a teacher? How might you use it as an educational leader? What do you think is realistic for you? Is there something you would like to try?

As a teacher,  I could use Twitter to update parents on happenings in the classroom. As an educational leader, I could use Twitter to update the community and staff as to the happenings of the school.  That may not realistic for me now due to me being in several classrooms and special education confidentiality.

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