Monday, September 20, 2010


I have not had much experience with podcasts. I have experienced using podcasts more with my son for enjoyment than using them for professional learning. I have not created any podcasts yet. This class is giving me opportunities to use the podcasts more for professional learning. I have heard a couple of good podcasts so far, one is the autism toolkit. This podcast is broken up into segments one for each "tool". It is also about 15 minutes, which made the podcast specific but not too long. I want to remember time and inflection in my voice to keep listeners engaged when creating my podcast.

Monday, September 6, 2010

PLN Journey- class two thoughts

What do I expect from my PLN journey this semester?
  I expect to learn more about myself this semeser in regards to who I network with and specifically what I use my network for.

How might it compare with and influence what I do aready?
 I think it will make me more aware of my network and how I use it. I could also deepen my networks.

What concerns me?
What excites me?
This journey will give me time to stop and think more about my networks.